Thursday 6 December 2018

Active and Passive voice details.

ACTIVE voice: Ishan writes poetry.
Passive voice: Poetry is written by Ishan.
It can be seen that these two sentences express the same meaning. But in the sentence denoting active voice shows that the subject (Ishan here) does something.  The verb writes is said to be in active form. In the sentence in the passive form, the subject (poetry here) shows that it is not the doer of any action, but the action is done to it.
In brief, we can say that when in a sentence the subject does an action, it is in passive voice. In contrary, when an action in a sentence is received by the subject of the sentence, or the action is done to the subject of that sentence, it is in passive voice.

What is voice?
Voice is that form of the verb that shows whether the action in a sentence is done by the subject of the sentence or the action is done to the subject of the sentence.

What is active voice?
When in a sentence, the action is done by the subject of the sentence we call it to be in ACTIVE voice.

What is passive voice?
When in a sentence the action is done to the subject of it we call it to be in PASSIVE voice.
Note the changes from active to passive voice in the following sentences.
i.                   Active: Rohon likes Rohini.
Passive: Rohini is liked by Rohon.
ii.                 Active: The old man is buying a walking stick.
Passive: A walking stick is being bought by the old man.
iii.              Active: Amber sold the amber.
Passive: The amber was sold by Ambar.
iv.               Active: The kingfisher was looking for a big fish.
Passive: A big fish was being searched by the king fisher.
v.                 Active: He will buy a car in a few months.
Passive: A car will be bought by him in a few days.
vi.               Active: Who broke this?
Passive: By whom was this broken?
vii.            Active: Why did Alice take such an absurd decision?
Passive: Why such an absurd decision was taken by Alice?

It is noteworthy that when the verb is changed from active to passive or passive to active, the subject becomes object and the object becomes subject while in each change.  Such as in the first sentence Rohon is the subject of the verb likes, and it converts into the object of the passive form of the verb is like, though both these sentences are maintaining the same meaning.

A thing that is highly noteworthy is that only those sentences having a transitive verb can be converted into passive form, because only transitive verbs have object that intransitive verbs don’t have. In theis context, you can watch the video given along with for further clarification.

Now proceeding further, I am going to give you a detailed account about the status of verb in various tenses or along with modal auxiliaries.

1.      simple present 
a.     Active:  Raju likes biking.
     Passive: Biking is liked by Raju.
b.     Actie: Raju dislikes me.
Passive: I am disliked by Raju.
c.      Active: Raju likes his Mona an Mohini.
Passive: Mona and Mohini are liked by Raju.
2.     Present continuous
a.     Active: The DJ is playing the sad songs.
Passive: Sad songs are being played by the DJ.
b.     Active: My Mummy is calling me.
Passive: I am being called by mu mummy.
c.      Active: Sneha is admiring Sarita.
Passive: Sarita is being admired by Sneha.
3.     Present perfect.
a.     Active: Rita has bought a plot of land.
Passive: A plot of land has been bought by Rita.
b.     Active: Neha has call all the villagers.
Passive: All the villagers have been called by Neha.
4.     Past Indefinite
a.     Active: The doctor declared him (as) fit.
Passive: He was declared (as) fit by the doctor.
5.     Past Continuous
a.     Active:  Radha was telling the truth.
Passive: The truth was being told by Radha.
Active: The principal was admiring the head boy and the head girl.
Passive: The head boy and the head girl were being praised by the principal.
6.     Past perfect
a.     Active: Nancy had take a good decision.
Passive: A good decision had been taken by Nancy.

7.     Simple future:
a.     Active:  He will meet the physician today.
Passive: The physician will be mate by him today.
8.     Can/may etc+base form of a transitive verb
a.     Active: I can buy a house.
Passive: A house can be bought by me.
b.     Active: He may spoil the whole thing.
Passive: The whole thing may be spoiled by him.


It is a useful skill to know where to use the passive forms of verbs and where not. The content below is going to give you a good lesson on this topic. 

a.     The passive voice is used when the doer of the action is not important; such as in the sentence, “English is accepted as a global language.” By whom it is accepted is foolish to think about. Some more examples like this are:
i.                    Stars cannot be counted.
ii.                 Water cannot be mixed with oil.
iii.              The evil doers are condemned.
iv.               New technologies are being discovered.
v.                 Netaji Subhas is unforgotten.
b.     Sometimes the doer is vividly clear, such as in the sentence, “He was arrested”, because we know that the action of arresting somebody can be done by a policeman only and I am sure that you have never seen a teacher or a doctor or a tailor is arresting somebody. Some more examples in his context are:
i.                   A new medicine was invented.
ii.                 He was declareed as guilty.
iii.              The letter was delivered.

One more thing that I will like to let you know that when a verb take  two objects like in the sentence, “ My father gave me a pen.’, Here in this sentence the first object is ME and the second object is A Pen. You can change the voice of this sentence in two different ways.
a.     I was given a pen by my father and b. A pen was given to me by my father.
Try the same formula in the following sentences:
i.                   The admission department refused him admission in the eleventh standard.
ii.                 Mr. Sharma teaches us physics.
iii.              The postman gave Reena the letter.
iv.               He handed me a cheque of one million pound.

WE hope that this blog will be highly helpful to you. Please visit our website and our YouTube channel for regular English grammar updates.

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