Sunday 18 November 2018



In our lesson today, we are going to tell you about Figure of Speech, and will explain PERSONIFICATION along with. We always focus on quality contents; thereby they can be highly useful to our readers. For this we go through the internet before creating any content, to see what people have searched on the topic of the content we are going to create.  Today, before creating this content on  figure of speech and PERSONIFICATION, we went through the search engines to know what are the queries of people in this context, what they have wanted to know? And today we saw the following keywords, that people round the globe entered into the search engines to get answers of their queries about figure of speech and  PERSONIFICATION.

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Our focus will be to answer these queries in this lesson and in the upcoming lessons.


A figure of speech is a departure from the ordinary form of expression, or the ordinary course of ideas in order to produce a greater effect.
Figures of speech may be classified as under:
1.       Those based on resemblance, such as simile, metaphor, personification and apostrophe.
2.       Those based on contrast, such as Antithesis and Epigram.
3.       Those based on association, such as Metonymy and Synecdoche.
4.       Those based on construction, such as Climax and Anticlimax.


As per Wikipedia, personification is a figure of speech , it is an attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form. It is figure of speech intended to represent an abstract quality.

In personification inanimate objects and abstract notions are supposed to have life and intelligence like a human being; as,
1.       The summer breeze told her the stories of dancing leaves.
2.       Death lays his icy hand on kings.
3.       Pride goeth on horseback, grand and gay
But cometh back on foot, and begging it’s way.

Personification has something to deal with gender, that we told our readers while we were talking about GENDER some days ago; we copy and paste that portion below for the better understanding of our readers.

Gender and personification.

Personification is a figure of speech. Speech means our dialogues; we say that in many ways. A figure of speech is a way of speaking our mind. In a personification a nonliving thing or idea or concept is supposed to have life and intelligence like human being.

For example if we say, The earth is such beautiful that there is nothing like her. Notice that I have used here her, not his. His is masculine and her is feminine in gender. Here comes the question of gender. But before that , you must understand how earth has been personified here. Earth is neuter gender, but here since she is an epitome of beauty, she is a personification of a beautiful girl, a beautiful woman or a beautiful mother. More examples are moon, earth, spring, nature, freedom etc.
Now see this example, The sun is burning everything with his scorching heat. Here I have used his instead of her. Why? Because, the sun is epitome of strength, like a father, a masculine in gender.  More examples like this are summer, winter, death, flood, volcano, death etc.

Always remember that a neuter gender when supposed to have life, it is a personification. Sometimes when a living thing like a tree or an animal is imposed the quality of life and intelligence, it is a personification. While personification of anything if we attribute the quality of love, peace bounty etc we should use feminine personal pronoun for it. In contrast if we attribute the quality like strength, violence etc. we should use personal pronouns in masculine gender

 Having any doubt? Please feel free to ask.  Please subscribe with our websit , please enter your email and name there, we will provide you free English grammar classes from the mid of November’ this year.

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