Saturday 17 November 2018



In our lesson today, we are going to tell you about Figure of Speech, and will explain SEMILE and METAPHOR along with; how they can function for each other with slight necessary changes in form maintain the same meaning.  We always focus on quality contents; thereby they can be highly useful to our readers. For this we go through the internet before creating any content, to see what people have searched on the topic of the content we are going to create.  Today, before creating this content on  figure of speech, SEMILE & METAPHOR, we went through the search engines to know what are the queries of people in this context, what they have wanted to know? And today we saw the following keywords, that people round the globe entered into the search engines to get answers of their queries about figure of speech, SEMILES, METAPHOR  and  SMILES & METAPHORS.

Figure of speech definition, figure of speech examples, figure of speech list, figure of speech explanation, figure of speech synonyms, figure of speech meaning, different kinds of figures of speech,  figure of speech worksheet, figure of speech in English literature, metaphor examples, metaphorically, metaphor vs. simile, metaphor literary definition, metaphor examples, metaphor examples for kids, metaphor meaning, what is metaphor? Similes and metaphor, examples of metaphor, metaphor meaning, metaphor definition, metaphor for kids, metaphor examples, what is a metaphor? List of metaphors, simile, what is simile, simile definition, similes and metaphors, simile meaning, simile synonyms, definition of simile, simile worksheet, what does simile mean? Sentence examples of similes, simile and metaphor, simile and metaphor worksheet, simile and metaphor examples, simile and metaphor chart, simile and metaphor examples, simile and metaphor quiz, simile and metaphor definition, simile and metaphor function, simile and metaphor explanation, simile and metaphor in English, what is simile? What is metaphor? What is the relationship between simile and metaphor? What is the difference between simile and metaphor? Examples of similes converted into metaphor, what is sthe difference of simile and metaphor & simile meaning, metaphor meaning, simile metaphor exercises, simile and metaphor differences, define simile, define metaphor and many more.
Our focus will be to answer these queries in this lesson.

Before we proceed further, we copy and paste portions of our previous posts for your better acknowledgement



A figure of speech is a departure from the ordinary form of expression, or the ordinary course of ideas in order to produce a greater effect.
Figures of speech may be classified as under:
1.       Those based on resemblance, such as simile, metaphor, personification and apostrophe.
2.       Those based on contrast, such as Antithesis and Epigram.
3.       Those based on association, such as Metonymy and Synecdoche.
4.       Those based on construction, such as Climax and Anticlimax.


A simile is a comparison between two things of different kinds which have however at least one point in common. A simile is usually introduced by such words as LIKE, AS or SO.
Examples: a. Neha entered into the room like a storm.
                          b. Life is like play.
                          c. He roared like a lion.
                          d. Love is like measles
                          e. Kashmir looks like heaven.


A metaphor is an implied simile. It is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
See the sentence below.
In the sentence above, camel is compared with ship, but do you understand the desert is also being compared with ocean somehow? This is implied comparison between two different kinds of things or an implied simile or a metaphor.
We hope that that concept of METAPHOR is a bit clear now to our readers.
We give some more examples below.
LAUGHTER IS THE MUSIC OF THE SOUL. (Here music has been implied as medicine)
THE WORLD IS A STAGE. (Here life has been implied as a drama or play or whatever)

A METAPHOR IS AN IMPLIED SIMILE. It  unlike the simile, state that one thing is like another or acts like another, but takes that for granted and proceeds as if two things were one. Thus, when we say, “HE FOUGHT LIKE A LION” we use a simile. But when we say, “HE WAS A LION IN THE FIGHT.” We use a METAPHOR.
Examples: The news was a knife to his heart.
                    Revenge is a kind of savage justice.

Must keep in mind that every simile can be converted into metaphor and every metaphor can be converted into simile. We are going to discuss about all these details in our next lesson.

Please stay adhered with us. We have taken oath that we will strengthen your English. You just stay with us.


Every simile can be compressed into a metaphor and every metaphor can be expanded into a simile.
When we say Paul fought like a lion, it is a simile. When we say Paul was a lion in the fight, it is a metaphor.

When we say Camel is the ship of desert, it is a metaphor, but when we say Such as ship helps us cross an ocean the same does a camel when we cross a desert, it is a metaphor.

When we say Neha entered into the room like a storm, this is an example of simile. When we say Neha stormed into the room, it is a metaphor.

When we say Variety is the spices of life, it is metaphor. When we say As spice flavours food, so variety makes life more pleasant, it is an example of simile.

When we say, The waves broke into the shore like thunder, it is simile. When we say The wave thundered on the shore, it is metaphor.

Hope you have enjoyed today’s lesson. We wish to here from you. Please comment your remark below in the comment section. Please visit our website

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