1. The black snake was poisonous.
2. He jumped from a high place.
3. Have you purchased that blue BMW car?
Those underlined portions are Phrase.
Now practice the following.
Find out the phrases in the following sentences. there may be more than 12 phrases collectively.
1.The Sun rises in the East
2. Humpty jumped up the high wall.
3. The raindrops knocked my closed window.
4. When it has harvesting time, he had a terrible fall from the mango tree.
5. Seeing sunrise everyday is a very good excercise.
6.In the evening we reached the city of Verona.
7. Mr. Packletide was unhappy for an old tiger skin his wife bought for one Thousand rupees during british India.
8. Lord Ulin's daughter was in bet with fate in that fatal shore.
9. The king of all kings was on his golden chariot.
10. On the china wall I sat waiting for my friend the chieftain of the small isle on the Irish bay.
11. Life is an acting on the stage.
12. if you learn from what I teach, it is the best motivation.
Please give me a feed back, I am a novice in blogging, I have been eagerly waiting for somebody with the first reply.
See you with our next lesson, please practice the exercise.
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so far we have discussed letters, alphabets, vowels, consonants, their numbers, their differences, word, sentences etc. A sentence has words, it has a definite tense, it has countless things inside, study of these is called GRAMMAR.
The same way , a sentence has phrase and clause, later we will discuss about clause , our topic is PHRASE now
A PHRASE is a part of a sentence that has meaning but no action word inside. For instance; 'On the table' , 'The black cat' , 'The capital of India', 'The highest mountain peak' , 'The president of America' etc. They tickle your sense but doesn't have any action word. They are called PHRASE. A phrase inside a sentence may dwell in many ways. As for instance see the underlined portions in the below examples,
2. He jumped from a high place.
3. Have you purchased that blue BMW car?
Those underlined portions are Phrase.
Now practice the following.
Find out the phrases in the following sentences. there may be more than 12 phrases collectively.
1.The Sun rises in the East
2. Humpty jumped up the high wall.
3. The raindrops knocked my closed window.
4. When it has harvesting time, he had a terrible fall from the mango tree.
5. Seeing sunrise everyday is a very good excercise.
6.In the evening we reached the city of Verona.
7. Mr. Packletide was unhappy for an old tiger skin his wife bought for one Thousand rupees during british India.
8. Lord Ulin's daughter was in bet with fate in that fatal shore.
9. The king of all kings was on his golden chariot.
10. On the china wall I sat waiting for my friend the chieftain of the small isle on the Irish bay.
11. Life is an acting on the stage.
12. if you learn from what I teach, it is the best motivation.
Please give me a feed back, I am a novice in blogging, I have been eagerly waiting for somebody with the first reply.
See you with our next lesson, please practice the exercise.
please visit our website
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